

What was the best fictional book you read?  Sherlock Holmes maybe?

What was the best Non Fiction book you read?
Any one of The trailblazer series!

What was the best book you liked but didn't expect to like?
Great expectations...I didn't read it for YEARS thinking it was boring...BOY was I wrong!
What was the best book series you read?
I don't read much series books, Maybe the Trailblazer books?

How many books did you re-read this year?
  A lot...let me just say that!

Name the best book that you re-read this year. Sherlock Holmes.

Was there a title that everyone else loved but you just couldn't get into even though you tried?
None, I devour EVERYTHING that comes my way!

What was the best book that held a bit of mystery? 
Hmm... Shadows  and Secrets...I'm still itching because Mrs. Chautona wont write what in the world is wrong with Dove until the third book, and the 2nd just came! UGH!

What was the best self-help/philosophy/religion title you read?
  I tried, honestly, to read one of those, it didn't work, sorry.

What was the best poli-sci title?
The best WHAT?

What was the best parenting advice book that you read?
To train up a child, I think the title was.

What was the best book that you finally read but had been meaning to for years?
Great Expectations.

What was the best book in a genre you'd never tried reading before?
Medievalness (Is that a word?) "The great and terrible Journey"

What was the best hobby/how-to book that you read?
I haven't read a good one yet, Any ideas folks?

What book challenged you to change something about yourself?
Again, I say None, (this is really bad..)

What book from this year do you think you could read again already?
Shadows and secrets.

What title made you cry the hardest?
Where the red Fern grows.

What title made you laugh the hardest?
The mouse that Roars. It was SO funny!!

What was the best juvenile/children's title?
"I love you forever" it is so wonderful, nearly makes you cry...

What was the best book someone gave you?
No one gave me any this year, ho hum.

What was the best book that someone recommended to you?
No one recommended any either!

What is the title you have most recommended to others?
Shadows and secrets

What is the best book you read to someone else?
Hmm....Great expectations or To Kill a Mockingbird...which one...

What title is most necessary to have on your personally definitive shelf of books; one you couldn't be without?
The two above listed titles, and Sherlock Holmes, And the count of Monte Cristo.

What book do you wish you hadn't read?
um....are there any? 

How many books did you read this year?
60+, I was a pretty bad slacker.

Do you track your reading? How?
YES! My way is kinda cheesy, as soon as I start reading a book, I put it up on my "books I'm reading list" on my blog, then after I finish it, I put it up on the "Books I've read" list. Then, at the end of the year, I put it all unto a Word folder on our computer, and there ya go!

Well, that was that...who's next? If you do this, comment and say so, that way I can see YOUR results!

1 comment:

  1. I have never read any Dickens' books. Am I missing something? ;)


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- Blaise Pascal