
Pics of me

Evan took these pics of me.... I'll say the good and bad of them.
I know....The shade RUINS this picture!, But is a nice close up!
This one looks storybook-like, but at least my face isn't Multi-color!
And in this one my eyes look weird, but it has good lighting.

I LOVE this one!one shade, close up, ( my eyes do look funky, but I'll just over look that!)

This one is good too! My grin looks Cheesy Though....Does it?
Do you Think My bads aren't really that bad?

If we died with Him,
we will also live with Him,
if we endure,
we will also reign with Him,
if we disown Him,
He will also disown us;
if we are faithless,
He will remain faith full,
for He can not disown Himself.
2 Timothy 2 11-13


  1. Nice pics!

    I think I like the last one the best!


  2. hmmm those all look nice. I think I like the last one best though. Have a good day!

  3. I do not think they are so bad. My favorite is the last one.

  4. It looks like the last one is the best!! Thanks girls!!


Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
- Blaise Pascal