
Blog Award

Hannah over at Hann-y had given me a blog award, oh sweetness!

Le Rules!

~1~ Post Seven random things about myself.
~2~ Award 10 other young ladies.  Or Young men.  But, how would a guy like to get a 'irresistibly sweet' award? Hmm.....lol

:7 Random things:

1- I ALWAYS try to use proper grammar.
2  I hate the word 'sammich'.
3  My computer's current screen saver is:

4- I have always lived in FL, but can't STAND the heat.  Like, I die.  Each summer.
5- I like tags and awards, makes me feel, oh so special!
6- i ♥ The Scarlet Pimpernel.  And Erik.
7-  I want to learn to ballroom dance.

Now, I must Award 10 ladies (or gents! lol)

1-Emily at Droplet's of God's Grace.
2- Joanna at Rawkfist Troll

and the next 8 people who comment on this post!

I was being lazy.  My 'pologies.

But, I ain't sorry.

I HOPE to get another post in today, but no promises.

Over and out,


  1. Ah! You caught me :P
    Oh well, now I know what to blog about tomorrow :D

  2. Aw, thanks for awarding me! I'll do this as soon as my time lets me. ;)

  3. I'm irresistibly sweet!? yayyyy! haha I saw this last night but I couldn't get my iPod to post my comment ;( I'll do this later tonight or tomorrow. Or Sunday. haha. Busy weekend xP OH SEE YOU SUNDAYYYY!!! and your poodle skirt, yes!? ♥


Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
- Blaise Pascal